Gambling online is one of the fastest-growing industries in Canada and across the world

Canada is ranked eighth among the most gambling online countries. There are over 19.3 million highly active online gamblers in Canada, spending more than $4 billion a year on offshore gambling sites and $16 billion at local casinos.

Many people, at least occasionally, enjoy the thrill of gambling. Added to this, in Canada, gambling is of even more allure since the government does not impose taxes on gambling wins, which means you keep 100% of your winnings. Only professional gamblers who play and win consistently have to pay taxes on winnings in Canada.

In recent years, there has been a noticeable change towards online casinos. The closing of land-based casinos during the pandemic hastened this archrandom shift. With 60% of Canadians saying they spend some money every month on games and gambling, it's a big business! Mastering online slots real money games

Read on to find out more about gambling statistics in Canada.

Sixty percent of Canadians, actually, admit to spending money on gaming and gambling in any one month. Only, though, various percentages of these persons spread across the provinces and territories, age groups, gender, and/or household income.

How much do Canadians spend on gambling?

Only 3% of Canadians say they spend over $100 a month on gaming and gambling, while 43% accept that they spend somewhere between $1 and $20 monthly, whereas 14% say they spend between $20.01 and $100 on games and gambling in an average month. The typical Canadian spends about 6.75 dollars a month on gaming and gambling. There is further variation in the relative share of Non-players and players spending up to $20 per month when the data is analyzed by gender, area, and economic background. The group that spends above $100 per month does not appear to be influenced by region, gender, age, education, income, or employment status.

Gaming and gambling in different regions of Canada

Canadian gambling expenditures reveal few regional differences. In particular, the $20-$100 and above $100 groups per month are almost identical across Canada. In the $20-$100 group variance lies between 12% and 17% and in the top spending group between 2% and 4%. The populations of Quebec are more into gambling at a rate of about 69%, while those of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are the least in wanting to gamble at around 50%. However, although the numbers in these provinces show that few spend over ?20 a month on gambling, this is in line with the national percentages.

Gaming and gambling in different age groups

Canadians aged 18 to 34 are less likely to engage in gambling than those aged 35 to 54. 45% of those aged 18-34 report they do not spend money on gambling, while that figure is 36% for those in the older age group.

Older gamblers are also more likely to spend more when it comes to gambling; 45% say they spend between $1 and $20 per month. Again, there is little variation in the top group of spenders. 3% of the people aged 18 to 54 and 4% of those over the age of 55 spend more than $100 per month on gambling. Is there a difference between genders?

Gambling seems to appeal slightly more to men than women, with 69% of men and 60% of women claiming they spent some money on gambling in any given month. Women are more likely to spend between $1-$20 per month on gambling-44% compared to only 41% of men. However, men are more likely to spend $100 -18% of men to 10% of women. In both genders, 3% proportionally occupies the people spending over $100. Households with an income of below $25,000 are considered the least likely to gamble. 53% of those with household income said they do not spend any money on gambling, compared with 39% of households above $25,000 but less than $55,000. 38% of people with household incomes above $55,000 spend money on gambling regularly. lot games are by far the most popular in land-based casinos. According to 2019 data, there were more than 67,000 slot machines in the country, with 23,750 of those machines found in Ontario. British Columbia and Alberta each had approximately 13,700 slot machines. Nevertheless, the distribution of the slot machines relative to population was much closer in all provinces.