
Date of Birth
November 6, 1970
Place of Birth
Present Citizenship
Marital status
Turkish (Native)English (fluent; written and oral),
Mailing Address
AERI, P.O. Box 34 Bakanlıklar 06100 Ankara /TURKEY
Phone Numbers
(90-312) 3260006 or (90-312) 3218764/118
(90-312) 322 85 31
1994-2000- Ph.D. - Agricultural Economics - May, 2000
Ankara University, Turkey
1991-1994 - M.Sc. - Agricultural Economics - September, 1994
Ankara University, Turkey
1987-1991 - B. Sc. - Agricultural Economics - June, 1991
Ankara University, Turkey
To carry out on Production Economics
To prepare situation and outlook report on wheat.
To study on Agricultural Sector Models
Assisting various lectures,
Preparing and analysing of agricultural projects (1992-1999)
Analysing and planning of Farms (1992-1999)
To carry out on Agricultural Management Science
DELLAL, İ. TAN, S. 2001. Milk Sector and Milk Policies in Turkey, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Association of Agricultural Economics, No:6, İzmir (in Turkish).
DELLAL, İ., TAN, S. 2001. The impact of VAT discounting on food consumption and income, Journal of Agricultural Engineering, Ankara.
KESKİN, G., DELLAL, İ. 2001, The Socio Economic Analysis of Rural Women in GAP Region, Ankara.
DELLAL,İ.,EGE,H. TAN, S., 2001. The Supply, Demand and Trade of Corn in Turkey, Journal of Turk-Koop Ekin, No: 16, Ankara (in Turkish).
EGE, H., DELLAL, İ. 2000. Wheat, Flour and Flour Products Sector in Turkey, Food 2000, Journal of Food Techology and Agriculture, No:11,İstanbul.
ERKUŞ, A., DELLAL, İ. 1998. The Income and Consumption in Turkish Farm And Effects Of Income Distribution, 3rd Congress Of Agricultural Economics of Turkey, Vol:2, Turkish Agricultural Bank, No: 35, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ, DELLAL, G. 1998. The Stuation and Importance of Agriculture in Kırşehir Provience, The Fond of Economics Research, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ., ERKUŞ, A., ELİÇİN, A., DELLAL, G. 1997.Hair Goat Breeding and Economic Importance in Turkey, Journal of Animal Research Institute, Volume:7, No:1, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ.1996. The Institutions on Agricultural Projects and Their Analyzing Methods in Turkey., National Productivity Center, Journal of Productivity No:2, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ.1996. The Development of Agroindustry in Turkey, Journal of Agricultural Ministry, No:105, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ.1995. Importance and Development Possibilities of Irrigation Co-operatives and Associations from Angle Productivity of Irrigation Networks in Turkey, Journal of Turkish Cooperation Institute, Number:700, Ankara.
TANRIVERMİŞ, H., POLAT., İ.1994. Environmental Problems Resulting from Agricultural Development in Turkey and Its Impact on Productivity, Co-operation, Number 106, Ankara.
TANRIVERMİŞ, H., GÜNDOĞMUŞ, E., POLAT, İ. 1994. Economic Structure, Problems and Solutions of Agro-industry in Turkey., Journal of Agricultural Engineering No:273, Ankara.
BUGUK, C., ISIK, M., DELLAL, I., ALLEN, A. 2001. The Impact of Exchange Rate Variability on Agricultural Exports of Developing Countries: The Case of Turkey, 2001 American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 4-7, 2001, USA
KOÇ, A., DELLAL, İ. BAYANER, A., AKYIL, N. 2001. The Impact of Transgenic Seeds Technology on Corn and Cotton Market in Turkey, METU Conference on Economics/V
September 11-14, 2001 Ankara/Turkey
DELLAL. ,İ. GİRAY, H. 2001. The Supply and Use of Wheat in GAP Region, II GAP Congress, Şanlıurfa.
DELLAL., I., KOÇ, A. 2001. The Econometric Analysis of Apricot in Turkey, I. Nuts Semposium, Yalova.
METIN, K., TAN, S., DELLAL, İ. 2001. Basic Food Consumption in Turkey: Effects of Income, Price and Family Size in Urban Areas. 71st EAAE Seminar, Food Consumer in the Early 21st Century, Zaragoza, Spain.
AKYIL, N., DELLAL, I., BAYANER,A., 2001, Developments in Crop Pattern and Production, Symposium on Targets for 2010 in Turkish Agriculture, 21-23 February, İzmir, Turkey.
DELLAL,İ.,TAN, S., EGE,H. 2001. The Supply, Demand and Trade of Coarse Grains in Turkey, The Symposium on Soil and Water Resource of Trakya, KHGM, Kırklareli.
DELLAL, İ., TAN, S., 2001. Regional Differences in Sheep and Goat Production in Turkey, Holland-Turkey Dairy and Livestock Symposium, June 11-12, 2001 Ankara
KOÇ, A., BAYANER, A., DELLAL, İ. 2000. Output Supply and Input Demand in Turkish Agriculture: The Normalized Quadratic and the Translog Representation of the Profit Function, METU International Conference in Economics IV, Ankara.
ERKUŞ, A., DELLAL, İ. 2000. The Income and Consumption Paterns in Agriculture According to Research Results Carried Out in Different Areas. 4th Congress of Agricultural Economics, Tekirdağ.
TAN, S.,DELLAL, İ., BAYANER, A. 2000. The Animal Policies of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Turkey, and Regional Development Strategies, Symposium on Animal Production for Regional Development and the Role of the Animal Industry, Sivas.
DELLAL, İ. 1998. A research on women living in villages and working agriculture: Gölbaşı district, Ankara Provience, 15th Nov.World Rural Women Day, Ankara.
ERKUŞ, A., DELLAL, İ. 1996. The state enterprises on agricultural projects and their applications in agricultural sector in Turkey, 2nd congress of Agricultural Economics of Turkey, Vol:2, Adana
TANRIVERMİŞ, H., POLAT., İ., GÜNDOĞMUŞ, E., SAYIN, C.1994. The Possibilities and Impacts of Privitization Some State Enterprises Chareged in Agricultural Activity, 1st congress of Agricultural Economics of Turkey, İzmir.
DELLAL, İ. 1994. Income distribution in central District farms in Kırşehir Province, Ankara University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Department of Agricultural Economics, Master Thesis (unpublished), Ankara.
DELLAL, İ. 2000. Economic Analysis and Planning of Hair Goat Farms in Antalya Province, AERI Publications, No: 43, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ. 2001. Wheat Situation and Outlook: 2001/2002 (in Turkish) AERI Situation and Outlook Reports 2000-1, No: 78, Ankara.
EGE, H., DELLAL, İ. 2000. Wheat Situation and Outlook: 2000/2001 (in Turkish) AERI Situation and Outlook Reports 2000-1, No: 44, July 2000, Ankara.
DELLAL, İ. EGE, H. 2000. Coarse Grain Situation and Outlook (Barley and Corn) :2000/01, Agricultural Economics Research Institute, Situation and Outlook Reports, Pub.No:48, Ankara.
May 7 - 11. Seed Production and Marketing, GAP and ICARDA, Şanlıurfa.
Sep.17-26 2000, Workshop on “Agricultural Sector Models” in Tunis, Tunisia by CIHEAM and Monpelie .
Feb.28-Mar.8 2000, Workshop on The Impact of Macro Economic and Sectoral Policies on Rural Poverty in Ankara,Turkey by FAO, SESRTRIC;
May 29- Jun.30, 1999, Course on Economic and Financial Planning for Rural Development Though Computer Usage in Israel by MASAV;
May 17-18.1999 Brainstorm on Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information Mapping System by FAO, Ankara.
Sep.15-26, 1997, Workshop on Food and Agricultural Policy Analysis with Emphasis on Credit and Rural Finance by FAO, SESRTRIC;
12th April 2001 “Stuation and Outlook Reports for Agricultural Products in Turkey” Akdeniz University, Faculty of Economics and Adminitrative Science.
15th May 2001 “GAMS Usage in Agricultural Sector Models” AERI.
27th September 2001 “The Recent Developments of Common Agricultural Policy, Requests of EU and Probable Effects on Turkish Agriculture” AERI.
First award in economy branch given by Milliyet daily newspaper in 1993 in Turkey with study on “Privatization in Turkish Economy, their problems and solutions: a research on the privatizing of some state economic enterprises, which were charged in agricultural activity” .
"jury special award" given by National Productivity Center in 1994 in Turkey with study on “Environmental problems resulting from agricultural development in Turkey and its impact on productivity”
17-21/01/2000, V. Turkish Agricultural Engineer Technical Congress, Ankara.
7-11/02/2000 "Livestock production and improvement possibilities in GAP Region", Batman.
20-21/04/2000, III. Turkish Cotton and Textile Symposium, İzmir.
1-2/05/2000 , V. International Feed Congress, TUYEM, Antalya.
6-8/09/2000, 4. Turkish Agricultural Economics Congress, Tekirdağ.
13-16/09/2000, IV. METU Conference in Economics, Ankara.
13-16/10/2000, International Food and Food Tecnologies Fair, Ankara.
25/10/2000 ,"Competiiton, Technology and Productivity", MPM, Ankara.
1/11/2000, .A new look to Agriculture, AGG, Ankara.
13-15/11/2000, Meeting on "Seed", GAP Regional Development Directory, Şanlıurfa.
5-17/11/2000, "Agricultural Reform in the Participation Process to EU", Şusiad.Şanlıurfa,
24/11/2000, "Sustainable Development in the Participation Process to EU", Ankara.
8/01/2001, Agriculture Week, Symposium, Turkish Agricultural Engineers Association, Ankara.
9/01/2001, Agricultural Products Stock Exchange, Union of Turkish Agricultural Engineers, Ankara.
21/2/2001, Symposium on Targets for 2010 in Turkish Agriculture, İzmir.
19-20/4/2001, 71st EAAE Seminar: Food Consumer in the Early 21st Century, Zaragoza, Spain
24/10/2001, II. GAP Symposium, Şanlıurfa.